Who are we? Where did we come from and where are we going to?
I always wanted to write about that. Too ambitious? Most certainly when you, just like me, are educated the 'old fashioned way'. The way of a world of make-belief - you have two flavours: a 'mechanistic world view' (life is just a machine) or a 'religious world view' (God or other invisible ghosts determine life). Depending your cultural setting and your education (or v.v.) your choice is influenced, and perhaps even a mixture of each viewpoint with individual accents. 
Dr. Bruce Lipton
, an international renowned biologist and expert on cells and genes, has turned both concepts upside down on the basis of his research. He formulated a new view on biology and by consequence came to a totally new insight on 'what we really are', to arrive at a new future-perspective for mankind.  A future that, to his opinion, has already arrived! The lecture he gives in the following movie details how we got to our 'old' but seriously flawed convictions and sciences and where we really are now: what we currently know and which changes are awaiting us the next few years...

Lots have changed in sciences, so it appears. More however hasn't changed - we still don't  understand what consciousness is... We are still stuck 'in between': our 'old' and flawed views and radically new insights that still aren't generally accepted by conventional sciences. This process of 'thinking differently' goes slowly, but it is speeding up assisted by economical crises and the awareness that elitist' thinking alone doesn't solve anything. This opens the door for new paradigms. Our societies are changing. For the better? We'll soon find that out. First we have to get rid of the old ballast of our education and deformation. If we now make the right choices we could indeed make our own heaven on this Earth.
12/10/2013 04:00:51 am

The Singularity is Nea

12/10/2013 03:27:07 pm


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